Students with ASD can be very capable writers and editors, but often struggle with fine motor tasks such as writing. Providing supports or accommodating written tasks to work around fine motor challenges can help provide a greater illustration of where the student’s abilities may be in areas such as written expression.
In a Pick the Punctuation task, a student can place tokens on the correct punctuation for various statements and questions or he or she can indicate the correct punctuation using a Do a Dot Art! marker or paint instead of using a pencil to indicate the applicable punctuation. To use the task for multiple students, consider laminating the task.
To complete this activity you might need:
Activity (p.2)
9 bingo dots (p.3)
Do a Dot Art! marker
Sample reward and tokens (p.3)
Token (Reward) board (p.4)
Laminator (optional)
Scissors (optional)
Velcro for the Token Board (Reward Schedule)
This download is a 4-page PDF.