This craft includes cutting and gluing, which are great fine motor skill practice for your learner! By utilizing the mini schedules which are differentiated to many levels, this can be an activity that could be completed independently or even with a larger group.
This download is an 8 page pdf
Supply List:
- Laminator/lamination
- Printer/Printer paper
- Glue
- Scissor
- Googly eyes
- Pipe cleaners
How to Make:
- Print schedule that’s appropriate for your learner
- Laminate the schedule (use Velcro to attach if pull off schedule is needed)
- Print out penguin pieces (or trace onto construction paper if no printer access)
- Gather all supplies the learner will need
- Cut out pieces for the penguin if your learner needs that level of support
- Have FUN!
How to Use:
Teaching: Prepare the activity per the above instructions. Allow student to work through each piece. Block any incorrect answers and provide praise for good working and nice cutting/matching. If student is not working model it (ex: “glue like me”, “glue eyes like me”, “cut shapes like me” etc.)
Ongoing content support: Set up file folder per the above instructions. Have the student complete the folder independently. Keep folder completed and check student work. If errors, look to complete with student in another setting using the teaching method above.
Additional Supports that may help:
- This activity could be completed with construction paper if a printer is not available. The penguin body parts could be traced and cut out. White and black paper could also be used to create the googly eyes if they are not available.
- This activity could also be put into an interactive power point that students could work through in an errorless learning format.